Monday, January 14, 2013

Rant Numéro 1: Biology

So today at 6:30 I had to go back to school to play in the pep band for the basketball game. We were allowed to bring our homework so I brought one of my new Doctor Who books (The Monsters Inside), my sketchbook, a pen, a pencil, whiteout, and my two Biology workbooks. BIOLOGY AAARGHZSATJZFDHZGFJZJZJNGGJGFJZDFGNZDFGJDH!!!!!!!!!!!

Biology is so stupid!! Well at least my specific class is. I'd actually probably enjoy it under different circumstances.  But my teacher is incompetent and the rest of the class is generally composed of complete idiots so naturally this class bugs the heck out of me. Just today my teacher said, "I know a whole lot about a  bunch of stuff."
One of my friends proceeds to ask, "My grandparents both have light eyes, so how is it that my uncle has dark eyes?" 
My teacher replies with, "I don't know. Maybe your grandmother had a fling."
The class looks at her like: O_o
And I'm just like: 

I mean who bloody says that?? And I thought she was the expert on these things!! Okay no I didn't, I haven't for a while now, but the point still stands. 
So anyways, I opened my workbooks and prepared to muscle through them but I was just like:

The questions are so bloody unintelligent and tedious, not to mention I practically have to do them 3 BLOODY TIMES OVER because my teacher makes us do not one, but TWO workbooks! Along with pages and pages of fill-in-the-blank notes that are mind-numbing and EQ's that we have to type up and format! I AM GOING TO GO BLOODY INSANE!! I just can't take this! How am I, a budding genius, supposed to cope with such unintelligent work?! HM?! If we could do the blasted notes in CLASS like the rest of the teachers who are actually NORMAL then the class might actually learn something instead of just listening to her bloody stories about getting attacked by monkeys and crocodiles because she was being a bloody idiot (seriously, who picks up a baby crocodile with its mother nearby??) and her irritating 'explanations' about how chewing gum will decrease your lifespan and how you should never strain noodles through a plastic colander if you don't want chemicals in your system. Well newsflash, NO ONE BLOODY CARES!! I will continue to chew gum as I please and I'm sorry but a plastic colander is significantly cheaper than a metal one and far easier to clean  so I'm just going to stick with what I already have thank you very much. Not to mention my teacher teaches in the most irritating way. The labs are boring, I can easily sleep in class, and I learn more in an 11 minute YouTube video about the subject than I do in 2 hours of class! (seriously, if you guys need help with bio just go here: )

siiiiiiigh. Well I got that out of my system so you all can go back to your lives now. :) DFTBA!

-Brittney the Consulting Timelord

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